DUMSOR - the on and off electricity in Accra

Oh Dumsor, not sure if I should love you or hate you.
Off and on is our relationship.
Leaving me hot or cold.
You remind me constantly what a precious commodity electricity is,
how easy my life has been, and that yes, it is possible to go without it.

You surprise me every day anew. Always lurking around the corner.
Never certain how long you will stay or when you go again,
but grateful that you are with me while I am writing these lines.

DUMSOR. My first Twi word I learned. Dum means off, Sor means on,
as for the constant on and off for electricity.
Jubilation is almost louder when its back on than when the Black Stars score a goal ;)

The aforementioned Nkrumah, while controversial at the end of his term, was responsible for building the first large scale hydroelectric power dam in Ghana - Akosombo Dam.

Finished in 1966, its construction created the largest man-made lake in the world - Volta Lake - to produce electricity for the aluminum industry they tried to build at the time. It’s a longer story … and part of it in my thesis if you care to read more :) https://d-nb.info/116284017X/34

Since 2004 the rainfalls have been less (thank you, climate change), hence the water level lower and with it its electricity production. The second most prominent source for electricity is gas from Nigeria. However, the pipeline was damaged and difficult to repair at of recent, as Boko Haram is not keen on visitors in its region these days.

Ghana also had a bit of trouble to pay its bills lately, as oil prices have been down (which was supposed to be a main source of income into government).
This might seems nonsensical  given the connection between oil and gas at first glance, but the Jubilee oil field which was discovered in 2007 a few miles of the coast close to Takoradi, and which started production in 2010, was supposed to sell its barrels of oil for around $140... not $40!
International markets. As predictable as electricity supply in Ghana.

Hence we have big billboards advertising for generators all over Accra.
No more Dumsor. Rely on CAT power :)


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